Steve Jobs once said in an interview that he wouldn’t mind stealing one or two great ideas, and the launch of the latest iOS 14 has made it clear. Yes, people are talking about Apple borrowing some great ideas from Android, and it’s true. However, this goes both ways as Android has also copied plenty of features from iOS. Due to the constant borrowing of features over the years, the two operating systems have a lot in common than before in terms of functionality and features.
Do you want to know which features Android and iOS have taken from each other?
- Widgets- Widgets have been Android’s biggest advantage over iOS operating system. This feature helped users to break regimented columns and rows of icons with calendars, mini maps, media players, weather forecasts and more. Apple took a note of that and now you can find widgets in Apple’s ‘Today’ view.
- Back button- For many years Android gave users the a “go back” button to navigate back to the previous page, even if it was on a different site or another app. Eventually, Apple found this useful and has included a back button, in the left corner on the top, in 2015.
- Gesture navigation- When in 2017 iPhones bid adieu to the Home Button with the introduction of a ‘swipe up’ option for going to home, ‘swipe up longer’ to view recently visited apps, Android also admired the feature. The result was its adaptation of similar gestures for Android 10 and Android 9.
- Notification badges- Notification badges have been the subject of debate for years. While some people cannot imagine living without them, several others find them distracting. Notification badges on iOS phones reminded users about the number of unread messages, emails and all other alerts that require attention. Android decided to add this feature since 2017 you find notification badges on Android phones as well.
- App drawer- Earlier, every single app users downloaded on iOS phones remained on the home screen. The only alternative to hide an app was to bury it securely in any folder. But, Android users have always been able to hide app by keeping them in the app drawer. The upcoming Apple phone will have an App Library to enable people keep only important apps on the home screen.
- Night mode- The night mode is an excellent feature as everybody prefers to turn the mobile screen amber to soothe their eyes at night. Apple first came up with this idea and soon Android followed its footsteps.
- Do not Disturb- The ‘Do Not Disturb’ acts a life-saver for most of us. At times, all need a brief respite from notifications and calls that make the handset vibrate incessantly. This is again a great feature offered by iOS and now all Android phones have it too.
We may conclude by saying that both Android and iOS have got outstanding ideas from each other, making our lives easier. Selfie camera, screenshot annotations, notification drawer, digital assistants, and emergency contact are some more features of the same nature.